Continuing to seek community board members...

Further to this previous post, I am continuing to search for volunteer board members who might be a match for numerous Uniting Church school, community service agency and other boards. As I said in that original post, these volunteers are people from both within beyond the Church who the Church's Synod either appoints (in some cases) or recommends for appointment (in other cases) on to the respective boards. The challenge of finding volunteer board members is one faced by all community organisations. Board membership is often seen as being a big responsibility and not much fun either. But board membership in a contemporary environment offers a chance to bring knowledge, wisdom and skills together in creative ways to help organisations find new ways through complex challenges.  
There are interesting opportunities ahead for all local community oriented boards and great potential for talented board members to make a very positive difference.
The following simple questionnaire is for those who may be interested in contributing to community organisation boards for the UCA in Victoria and Tasmania.



  1. I look forward to hearing further about this fantastic opportunity to contribute to UCA and the community.

    1. Thanks James - we'll keep unfolding opportunities to serve!

  2. I look forward to hearing further about this fantastic opportunity to contribute to UCA and the community.
